Opublikowany: 05/05/2021

Nagroda za Życiowe Osiągnięcia dla Prof. Zbigniewa Wszołka

Nagroda za Życiowe Osiągnięcia dla Prof. Zbigniewa Wszołka


Szanowni Państwo,

mamy zaszczyt poinformować, że nasz członek honorowy Profesor Zbigniew Wszołek otrzymał bardzo prestiżową Nagrodę za Życiowe Osiągnięcia (Lifetime Achievement Award) na XXVI Światowym Kongresie Choroby Parkinsona. W imieniu Polskiego Towarzystwa Choroby Parkinsona i Innych Zaburzeń Ruchowych oraz Sekcji Schorzeń Pozapiramidowych Polskiego Towarzystwa Neurologicznego składamy Panu Profesorowi najserdeczniejsze gratulacje i życzenia dalszych sukcesów. Przy okazji dziękujemy Panu Profesorowi za ogromny wkład w rozwój naszych organizacji i całej polskiej neurologii.

Załączamy list gratulacyjny Prof. Ryana J. Uitti, wieloletniego kolegi Prof. Wszołka z Mayo Clinic w Jacksonville na Florydzie:

Dear Colleagues,

Earlier today our colleague, Zbigniew, was given the Lifetime Achievement Award by the International Association of Parkinson’s and Related Disorders (IAPRD). This is one of many such international awards and accomplishments that Zbigniew has received for his phenomenal contributions to the field of movement disorders.

Zbigniew started investigating the genetic contributions to Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders in the 1980s before most anyone else. He did his work on the weekends, during vacations with his wife, and traveled extensively to do so ... when most others thought this was folly. At the time, most were convinced that Parkinson’s disease had NO genetic influence. Time has proven him correct. He practically singlehandedly led to the discovery of multiple genes for PD, including the most common genetic cause of PD - LRKK2 (which was discovered in 2004)... PPND, Perry Syndrome, HDLS/CSF1R Inherited Leukoencephalopathy, now ataxia findings ATXN3 in SCA3 ... the list goes on and on. Almost all of these discoveries were predicated on hard work done over the course of many years, as examination of patients, retrieval of biospecimens, obtaining post-mortem tissue, and finally working with laboratories, is a process that requires steadfast commitment over DECADES!

And Zbigniew’s academic productivity has been unbelievable: currently at 755 peer-reviewed publications; his current h-index is 79!! By the time I finish this note, these figures are probably wrong.

Zbigniew has worked with an incredible number of collaborators from throughout the world. He has connected Poland and the United States with innumerable colleagues in tremendously positive ways. He has always acknowledged others and has helped so many in their own academic careers as a result.

As many of us know, Zbigniew also served as the second editor-in-chief of Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, helping to truly establish this journal as one of our subspecialty journals. He continues to work as an editor ... and is making the rounds with many journals in the North America, Europe.

In short, we are so proud of Zbigniew and fortunate to have him as our colleague and friend.

Congratulations Zbigniew!


Informację na temat przyznanej nagrody znajdą Państwo na stronie: www.iaprd-world-congress.com